Ψ Practical Service Improvement

Thursday 19 May 2011

Solution 1 – continuous one piece flow is created

Bucket Brigades were the first occurrence of an organised fire fighting effort. It was the practice for each household to maintain 2 well kept water buckets in a conspicuous place the door or front window.
At the onset of a fire, the local church bell would be rung frantically, and all able bodied residents would grab their buckets and rush to the fire. If a resident was unable to help, they would throw their bucket into the street to be picked up by those running by. Two lines were formed from the fire to a local water source with the men passing water filled buckets down the line to the fire, and the empty buckets were passed back to the water source by the women and children.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Solution 0 – A reliable method is created

Once you understand how to identify the seven plus one wastes then perhaps it is useful to understand the Solutions that can be used to decrease or eliminate waste.

It might be a massive generalisation to say that men tend to avoid reading the instructions before commencing on assembly; however…. The instructions in the absence of previous specific experience tend to be the most reliable method available.